Letters To My Wild Kin: Male Cardinal

By Shawn Smith


Hello beautiful brother. I saw you for the first time several weeks ago. I couldn’t believe it, you’re the first Cardinal I’ve met in my 10 yrs at SHO Farm. Why did you come here? Could it be you caught word that we are a safe harbor for feathered and furred kin? I’m heartened to see you have a mate. As gorgeous as you, she is much harder to spot with her quieter shades of gray. I hope to have camera in hand when you two perch together. You are big in color, but quite small in body — quick, agile, aerially acrobatic. Does that help you evade larger brethren like Blue Jays, Crows, Ravens? I could watch you endlessly, but the day doesn’t allow. The vines on which you perch outside my office window will fill with broad leaves and sweet kiwi fruit - indulge, for they are nature’s candy in this cold-climate we call home (leave a few for us, please). I wish you safety, happiness and much love. Know we cherish your presence, that you and your loved one are revered by those of us here sharing ecosystem with you. See you around, brother. Metta Qi.